

If access to health care is considered a human right, who is human enough to have that right?
— Paul Farmer
Doctors examining a baby

Our free clinic shepherds the health of our community.

We provide vitamins and nutritious food to ensure proper development.

Doctors giving a child vitamins

The pandemic could not disrupt our commitment to the students and we continued to see the fulfillment of God’s plans for the students.

First we eat, then we do everything else.
— M.F.K. Fisher
Children eating fruit

With their basic needs met, our students can thrive, grow in body and mind, learn, and achieve their full potential

Child with a balanced meal
You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them. This is how prayer works.
— Pope Francis

Growing brains need fed, which is why our school works into the curriculum the food children need to be healthy in mind and body. This is vital in Guatemala where nearly half of families can’t afford a basic food basket

Children with basic health kits

We provide 3 meals/day to allow the children to maximize their effort in school.

Children eagerly raising their hands
Medical professional measuring child

In addition to the food and support we provide, we monitor development to ensure children get the start they need to thrive.

Medical professional measuring child
Child having head size measured

Proper nutrition is essential for the young. Nearly half of children under 5 are stunted in Guatemala. Help us end the cycle of stunting and protect the growth of the community.

Graphic: Aeri Wittenbourgh

Young mothers receiving food
Young mother receiving food